
The Kentucky Master Logger Program is designed to enhance the logger’s ability to operate efficiently within the framework of constantly changing environmental and safety regulations. It is an education program that teaches logging methods that benefit both industry and the forest. It is a partnership between the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, the Kentucky Division of Forestry, and the Kentucky Forest Industries Association.
Logger WebTV
In 2025, over 500 master loggers will need six hours of CE (continuing education) to keep their Master Logger designation. On February 25, 2025, the Kentucky Master Logger Program will host another Logger Web TV to make obtaining these six credit hours more feasible and convenient.
Logger Web TV will be offered at the extension offices for the following counties: Boone, Breathitt, Breckinridge, Casey, Crittenden, Cumberland, Fleming, Hancock, Harlan, Monroe, Ohio, Owsley, Perry, Taylor, and Whitley. Logger Web TV will be hosted from 9 am - 4 pm EST (8 am - 3 pm CST). The class will be broken into six 50-minute segments.
The agenda will follow as:
9:00 - 9:50: Introduction, House Keeping, and Economic Update for 2024/2025
10:00 - 10:50: White Oak Initiative
11:00 - 11:50: White Oak Initiative
12:00 - 1:00: Lunch (On Your Own)
1:00 - 1:50: Water Maps, Safe Hauling, Trucking Cost Estimator
2:00 - 2:50: BMP Refresher and Changes update
3:00 - 3:50: What Log Buyers are Looking For (Tie’s, Stave, Saw/Grade Logs, Weight wood/Pulp)
By attending Logger Web TV, you will receive six hours of continuing education and be eligible to renew your designation. The class will cost $50, and the renewal fee will be an additional $25 ($75 in total). Please register and send a check, cash, or money order to the Kentucky Master Logger office (Please do not send money to extension offices).
Water Maps - Protected Streams
Water Maps is a website developed by the Kentucky Division of Water to assist foresters and loggers in locating streams and rivers in Kentucky that need special protection.
Learn more...
KY Forest Transportation Cost Estimator
A website formulated to help you find out more about your transportation costs.
Learn more...
Emergency Personnel Location Route Finder
A web-based application designed to generate least-travel-time routes from EPL to any logging site within the state of Kentucky
Learn more...
Active Master Logger Map
There are 2,532 Kentucky Master Loggers, located in 117 counties, work to harvest timber and deliver it to the 673 wood, paper, and paper-converting industries located in 114 counties throughout Kentucky.
Learn more...Contact Information:
KML Program Coordinator/ Forestry Program Specialist
Beth Williams
Phone: 859-257-6230
Toll-Free: 800-859-6006
(Monitored 8 am-4 pm M-F)
KML Assistant Program Director
Michael Ammerman
UK Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources
Phone: 859-257-0580
KML Program Director & Forestry Specialist:
Dr. Jeffrey W. Stringer
UK Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources
Partner Information:
The University of Kentucky’s Cooperative Extension Service Forestry and Natural Resources programs deliver knowledge, insight, and solutions to address forest- and natural resource-related challenges. Visit website...

The Division of Forestry, along with the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry and the Kentucky Forest Industries Association, provides the leadership, direction and instruction for the KML training program. Visit KDF's website...
The Kentucky Forest Industries Association (KFIA) represents the wood products industry, landowners and forestry interests in Kentucky. The Association promotes the economic welfare and interests of the wood products industry through a number of programs and work with regulatory agencies advocating for forestry in the legislative process at the state and national level. Visit KFIA's website...
