CEU Descriptions
Basic Timber Cruising
Course is designed to teach sample timber cruising techniques to loggers timber buyers, etc. Attendees will learn basics of map reading and how to use the equipment necessary to perform a cruise. Field exercise to collect data on site.
BMP Refresher
This course is designed to be a refresher for Best Management Practices. Includes a visit to the new demonstration site at KY Ridge State Forest, with examples of many of the BMP’s on site
Directional Felling
Introduction to directional timber felling using the open face and hinge technique. Safe cutting, saving timber and cutting for production will be emphasized. Group activities will allow minimal hands-on if desired.
First Aid/ CPR/ Stop the Bleed - Not held in 2025
This course will provide OSHA required First Aid/CPR as well as an additional Stop the Bleed Certification. Some online pre-work will be required for this course.
Principles of Forestry
This course will cover topics including: economic updates for the logging industry, principles of forestry, silviculture and timber harvesting, USDA forest inventory & analysis, white oak initiative, BMP’s & improved forest values.
Timber Tips
This course introduces loggers to analytical tools available for use in analyzing timber sale value. Maps and photos are discussed for use in determining acres, skidding distances, etc. Key tree parameters are described when analyzing timber sale prospectus.
White Oak Production & Harvesting
This course will cover growing and harvesting high quality white oak. Estimates on current and long-term white oak availability and price will be provided and what can be done to extend white oak supply. Also covered will be stave log grading and specifications.